Here’s to you, robot spam poet

Oh the lengths spammers go to in order to get past your spam filter. The sad thing is, I can’t tell what they are even trying to sell, which begs the question- WTF? It’s Just a cryptic message – maybe it is the first line from various books, or a random sentence. In any case, this one struck me as a pretty good piece of abstract, modern poetry. And so, I pass it on to you, noble reader, as a form of “found art”, not mine, not anyone’s really. Enjoy.

Oh, I know. The snow. The effective snow
Stars, the last day, endless and centerless,
The purest form is always the one
II. List of Franklin Search Parties
People might see to be the opening
From point to point of meaning—open? closed?—
Not so much of place as of renewed hope,
And beyond, the same sound of bees
Left and right, and far ahead in the dusk.
to matter, for the flushed boys are muscular
What is there in the depths of these walls
So you can watch me watch uplifted snow
at balls hit again and again toward her offspring.
So you can watch me watch uplifted snow
He is harsh, dismal, ice—that is, exiled;
Bronze the sky, with no
The mortal architect had brought to life,
shaded by live oaks and bottlebrush trees
The pain of being born into matter.

Update: After Googleing (or is it Googling?) the first line, I found that all the lines seem to be randomly selected from this page at the University of Chicago. Nice.